Monday, May 7, 2012

Finding the cause of hair loss

When you start losing your hair, it can be very alarming. Hair loss is something that everyone (or just about everyone) will experience at some point in time. The amount and timing of the hair loss is what sets it apart from just regular loss and abnormal loss.

On average we lose between 100-150 hairs every day. You can find these hairs on your pillow case, in the shower, in your brush, on the floor, etc.   This is just normal hair shedding.  However, if you start noticing a lot more hair falling out, that is when you need to take a step back and analyze what could be the reason.

There are several things that you can look at for answers.
1. Illness. Sometimes hair loss is associated with an illness. If you have been sick recently, the hair loss could be a result of this.
2.Medication. A side effect of some medications is hair loss.  Ask your pharmacist  what side effects are associated with any prescription medication that you take.
3.Male pattern baldness.  It runs in the family and it might be happening to you.

Whatever your hair loss cause may be, it is important to discuss causes with your medical doctor and depending on the cause, start some sort of treatment that can minimize hair loss or delay it in some way.  For more details on hair loss, see hair loss solutions.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

hair loss blog post

Is Tom Brady going bald?

Amid reports of Tom Brady going bald, it is customary to review the issue of male pattern baldness, also known as androgenic alopecia.  Most men will suffer some form of hair loss during their lifetime.  The question is what can be done about it?  There are several questions that need to be answered before you can determine exactly what approach to take to reduce or eliminate any balding or hair thinning.

1. Determine the source of the balding.  Is it hereditary?  Most hair loss is inherited.  Look at your mom and dad and see what type of hair loss they have. Chances are that you will follow the same pattern.  Women hair loss can also follow the pattern of males.

2. If the cause of the hair loss isn't hereditary, then evaluate your current health condition to determine other causes.  There are several illnesses and prescription drugs that cause hair loss. If you cure the illness and/or stop taking the medication, the hair loss will usually stop.

3. Visit a medical doctor to consider all the options available in the medical community for hair loss prevention and cures.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Hair Loss in Women

Hair loss can be more devastating for women than men. Women are just expected to have hair. Addressing hair loss in women at an early stage can help to slow down and possible eliminate the thinning that occurs.
There are several steps to take in this process.

1. Determine the type of  hair loss. Did you just start losing hair? Are you losing a lot of it quickly, or is it a more gradual occurence that is happening over months?

2. Evaluate the source of the hair loss. Do you have underlying medical conditions that might be causing the hair loss? A typical medical condition that results in hair loss is thyroid disease. Schedule a checkup with your medical doctor so that you can rule out medical conditions.

3. Begin a treatment plan for your hair loss. If you do have an underlying medical condition, your doctor may prescribe prescription medications as part of the treatment. Once the medical condition has been dealt with, your hair loss problem may go away on its own.

4. Stay on top of long term treatment. Once you have stopped or slowed down your hair loss, don't start relaxing. It is very important to stay on top of your problem. Evaluate your situation every few months to see if the hair loss is getting worse or better. Adjustment in your treatment may need to change over time.
See more details of hair loss in women , including details of prescription medications and over the counter treatments for hair loss or thinning.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Hair Loss, Thinning Shampoos

Hair loss can hit you at any time.  There are many causes for hair thinning, the main one being age. It is very common to start losing your hair as you get older. However, if you are experiencing very drastic hair loss or thinning at any time, it could be from other factors, such as health issues or maybe prescription medications.

It is always a good idea to visit your medical doctor if you suspect that you might have issues that can be treated.

One of the first places that you can start as far as hair thinning and loss are concerned is to buy a shampoo that is formulated for hair loss or thinning situations.  These types of shampoos will be much more gentle on your hair and may help to reduce the amount of thinning that you experience. 
See more hair loss causes and possible treatment options.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Women Hair Loss

Hair loss in women can be devastating
Hair loss is bad period. But it is considerably more traumatic for women. Women are accustomed to having hair. They don't go around shaving off their hair for no reason (unless they have a movie role or something). It is not considered attractive for women to have thinning or no hair.

There are many causes and conditions for women's hair loss that can be addressed or at least slowed down. Genetic factors, such as a family history of male pattern baldness, can cause a women to lose hair at an early age. Preventative measures include nutritional supplements and various products, creams and systems for slowing down the hair loss cycle.

Ongoing research in hair loss may result in a definitive cure at some point in the future. Until then, women need to be proactive about their hair loss and address it as soon as it begins.  See more details and solutions for hair loss in women

Friday, July 16, 2010

Top Hair Loss Myth

There are many myths surrounding hair loss that I'm not quite sure where they came from. One very common myth is that baldness always comes from the mother's side of the family. It used to be that you could look at your mothers father hair and find out what your hair will be like when you get older.  The truth is that baldness can be passed down from the mothers or father's side and it may or may not skip generations.

Male pattern baldness is a very common denominator among men today. More and more women are now experiencing the same hair loss as men.

There are certain treatments and preventative measures that can be taken to slow down hair loss or thinning. The FDA has approved some treatments for use to combat hair loss. Ongoing research in hair loss is constantly revealing new findings about what causes hair loss and possible treatments.  See more hair loss info.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What is a hair transplant?

There are many hair loss products and treatments available today.  Hair transplant is a very popular one because it tends to be more permanent and has immediate results.

So, what exactly is a transplant?  A surgeon (must be a medical doctor) takes pieces of hair and skin in areas of the head where you have hair and transplants those hairs/skin to areas where you don't have hair or have thinning hair.

Since the hair being transplanted is not affected by hair loss or thinning, it should not experience any hair loss in its new location.  There can be follow up treatments with products and prescription medication to make sure that the newly transplanted hair stays intact. 

Hair transplants can be quite costly.  They are usually done on an out-patient basis and typically take anywhere from 4-10 hours depending on the amount of hair being transplanted.