When you start losing your hair, it can be very alarming. Hair loss is something that everyone (or just about everyone) will experience at some point in time. The amount and timing of the hair loss is what sets it apart from just regular loss and abnormal loss.
On average we lose between 100-150 hairs every day. You can find these hairs on your pillow case, in the shower, in your brush, on the floor, etc. This is just normal hair shedding. However, if you start noticing a lot more hair falling out, that is when you need to take a step back and analyze what could be the reason.
There are several things that you can look at for answers.
1. Illness. Sometimes hair loss is associated with an illness. If you have been sick recently, the hair loss could be a result of this.
2.Medication. A side effect of some medications is hair loss. Ask your pharmacist what side effects are associated with any prescription medication that you take.
3.Male pattern baldness. It runs in the family and it might be happening to you.
Whatever your hair loss cause may be, it is important to discuss causes with your medical doctor and depending on the cause, start some sort of treatment that can minimize hair loss or delay it in some way. For more details on hair loss, see hair loss solutions.