Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Hair Thinning in Women

About 25% of women over the age of 50 will experience hair loss or hair thinning. There are many things that can cause hair loss. Some are preventable, others are not.

Common Causes of Hair Loss:

1. Overprocessing hair - too much hair color, bleach, perms, etc. PREVENTABLE

2. Overstyling hair - using a curling iron, flat iron, hot rollers too often PREVENTABLE

3. Bad diet, unhealthy habits - Your hair needs certain vitamins and nutrients to be healthy. PREVENTABLE

4. Hormonal changes - As you age your body will be changing. There isn't much you can do about this, other than take adequate supplements to counteract any changes.

5. Genetics - If male pattern baldness runs in your family, there isn't much you can do about it.

Common Treatments of Hair Loss:

1. Massage scalp while you hold your head upside down to increase blood flow.

2. Change your styling routine so that you don't use too many hot appliances, pull hair too tightly, etc.

3. Keep conditioner away from your scalp. It can clog your pores and inhibit hair growth

4. Take a multivitamin every day

5. Prescription medications - If you have serious hair loss or thinning, your medical doctor may prescribe one of several medications

6. Use Rogaine -This over the counter product can yield good results in some women with hair loss.

More details on Hair Loss Products

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Using Laser for Hair Loss

Lasers are used today for permanent laser hair removal. This is a procedure that involves pinpointing the laser at the hair follicle and basically killing it so that hair no longer grows from it.

Now, there is a new type of laser treatment that can be used for preventing and treating hair loss. Stay tuned for more details from leading laser manufacturers and service providers.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Hair Loss Info

When you start losing your hair, you have already waited too long. The key to hair loss is to catch the loss early and work on preventing it thru diet, exercise and various hair loss products.

Browse our blog and website for the latest info on what you can do to prevent hair loss and treat it. You may end up spending money on products or procedures, but you will be happy in the end if your hair loss is minimized.

Welcome! Hair Loss by Hair Resources